Jaguar Club Annual Picnic

Emerson Engineering park 12001 Technology Drive, Eden Prairie, MN, MN, United States

Watch for your invite.

Scottish Fair & British Car Show

Macalester College 1600 Grand, St. Paul, MN, United States

Scuttish Fair and Highand Games includes a British car show at Macalester College in St. Paul. Please contact Jim Harris to show your car.

Cars and Caves

Auto Motorplex 8150 Audobon Rd, Chanhassen, MN, United States

At the Autoplex in Chanhassen

Britfest in Hudson, WI

Downtown Hudson, WI 111 Walnut Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Watch for email invite.

Kathy’s Cruise and Corn Roast

735 East 10th Street, Hastings, MN 55033 735 East 10th Street, Hastings, United States

Start and end points will include about a 2 hour drive.   watch for email invite

Cars and Caves

Auto Motorplex 8150 Audobon Rd, Chanhassen, MN, United States

At the Autoplex in Chanhassen

Jaguar Club at Wheels and Wings

Osceola Airport Osceola, WI, United States

Jaguar Club of Minnesota is featured at Wheels and Wings.  Watch your email for the invite.

Jag Club Cookout

Downtown Hudson, WI 111 Walnut Street, Hudson, WI, United States

Watch for email invite.

Cars and Caves

Auto Motorplex 8150 Audobon Rd, Chanhassen, MN, United States

Mexican Fiesta

Lynch Residence 6630 HORSESHOE CURVE, Chanhassen, MN, United States

Watch for your email invite